Lowest Price Guarantee
30 Days- 120% Low Price Guarantee
When you shop at MobilityExpress.com, you always receive 30 Days - 120% Lowest Price Guarantee.
If you find the identical product for less, please contact us, and if we can verify it and it meets our qualifications, we'll give you the difference and we will add on it 20% of that price difference.
Lowest Price Guarantee Qualifications:
- The product must be purchased Online from Mobilityexpress.com
- The product must be the exact same make, model, and condition purchased at Mobilityexpress.com site
- The merchant offering the lower price must have the product currently in stock
- The online merchant must have the product on an established site and not listed on an auction site
- It applies to the total price of purchase, including shipping, taxes and other charges that may apply